What is the MLL mailing address?
PO Box 2786
Kalamazoo, MI 49003
Where will are games be played?
Milwood Little League plays its games at Vanderberg Park, which is located at
3401 Lovers Lane
Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (behind Milwood Elementary School)
For teams that participate in inter-league games or tournaments there will be road games at other sites. Directions to other league's fields are located at the bottom right corner of our home page under "D-2 Maps".
When is registration?
Registration for the Spring season typically begins in January. Please visit our website for specific registration dates.
What is the cost of registration?
The registration fee for the upcoming season season at Milwood Little League will be $115, plus a $25 fee for the mandatory fundraising, for a total cost of $140.
What is the mandatory fundraising fee?All players will be participating in fundraising. Each player will receive 5 raffle tickets at a cost of $5.00 each for a total of $25.00. This will be due at the time of registration. Your player can then sell these raffle tickets to family, friends, etc or you can choose to just keep the tickets yourself for a chance to win some great cash prizes. Top prize is $400 cash.
What if we missed registration?
If you missed registration, there is a late registration process. Late registrations are accepted and added to a wait list. Late registrants are only added on an "as needed" basis. Please make every attempt to sign up in person during the designated registration period.
Can my child play in two divisions?
Baseball players ages 11-13 can play in the Intermediate Division, as well as either Majors (11-12) or Juniors (13). The schedule for the Intermediate Division is completed so your child should miss many if any of the games between the two divisions.
When are games scheduled?
Practices for the Spring Season typically start in late March or early April after KPS Spring break. The season typically kicks off in late April and runs through June.
The practice schedule varies and is set by the team coach. Practices typically end when the game schedule begins, but some coaches do have some practices after opening day. Games start the first weekend in May or the last weekend in April. The game schedule is not set in advance of registration, but all games start at 6 p.m. on weekdays and sometimes between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturdays. Typically, teams play 2 games per week.
Do we play on Sundays?
Every attempt is made to not schedule any games on Sunday. Occasionally, a make-up game will be re-scheduled for a Sunday with the approval of the two team managers. Many teams opt to have practices on Sundays, as most fields are available.
What is included with my registration?
Players will receive a team jersey and a baseball hat or softball visor.
What is the refund policy?
Milwood Little League only offers a partial refund if the league is advised before the first practice. By that time, uniforms are being ordered, so a cost will be incurred.
Why does MLL do background checks on all volunteers?
In order to protect the safety of our children we process all volunteers using a thorough background check (criminal and sex offender in all states). This is required by Little League International.
Why can't players take warm-up swings outside of the dugout?
Over the years Little League International has found that the likelihood for injuries to players is greatly reduced if players stay in the dugout.
Why can't coaches warm-up pitchers?
Little League’s position is that adults are here to teach the children and as such should have children warm-up pitchers. Rosters are not limited to nine players and therefore should have additional players to warm-up a pitcher. This is a Little League International mandate for safety and liability for which MLL will strictly enforce.
What are player evaluations?
Player evaluations are help in order to form balanced and fair teams. They are NOT try-outs - everyone plays, regardless of playing ability or experience. Player Evaluations are typically held in early March just after the registration period has ended.
Local Little League Rules State:
Qualified players may tryout for a higher level but are not guaranteed of being drafted at that level.
A “qualified” player must be league age 10 for Majors; 8 Little Majors and 7 (with at least one year of Little League T-Ball) for Minors.
What is the "draft"?
The draft process is the method used to form teams. There are specific rules mandated by Little League International that must be followed as part of our charter.
What if I don't attend player evaluations?
Players that do not participate in evaluations are restricted to which division they can play in. Eight year olds will play in Minors, 9 and 10 year olds will play in Little Majors, 11 and 12 year olds will play in Majors. Missing evaluations does not prevent you from being placed on a team, but it impacts the ability for the coaching staff to ensure balanced teams are formed.